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自从和你在一起之后,我的人生变得更加有意义。 你的出现是上帝赐给我的,你的存在是我上辈子修来到的福, 而你的一切是我的最爱。


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男子急忙说:“不不!是。。。我。。。嗯。。。我可以坐在这边吗?” ,说着,男子就指着女子对面的椅子。


女子又不禁大哭一场,身体因哭泣而不停的颤抖。 男子看了都心酸,但因为自己只不过是个陌生人,便掉头离开了。


“看来她的心情不像当天那么沉重了” 男子想了想,便走上前。两人对视着几秒,女子就请男子坐下来。

就这样,他们聊了起来。 男子问道:“你喜欢喝甜咖啡还是咸咖啡?”

“咸咖啡?我倒没听过。” 女子一脸疑惑。

“我从小就住在海边, 不久前才搬到这里。每天早上在海边泡的咖啡是自然咸的。因为海风会把轻微而小的海盐吹进咖啡里,在那浓郁的咖啡里加上了完美的口感。很多人认为咖啡就必须和糖在一起,但其实咸咖啡的味道也是一种特别化学反应。”



过着美满的日子,他们也步入晚年了。男子过世后留了一封信。 女子读着,便感动得哭了起来。。。


Tania  Hermawan (This story is written based on fiction and other stories as well)

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yay finally!
All of the assignments have all of a sudden pop*, bubbled, poked and disappeared!
well well well, the aftermath of this term is that: do not be greedy
yes, I really realise myself as being the greedy boy and girl in the ginger house. change concert, working for this jewelery designer "Woon Hung", school work, personal part time and even planning to work for Jay! wow, now then i realise that i had been juggling so many reponsibilities and job at the same time.
No wonder, taking a step back and turned my head, I saw myself being pathetic, too lethargic to look at the-now-me. yesh, we all believe that life is too short (or prob some of you think that life too long), we pursue things to fill up gaps in our life, we catch whatever oppourtunities in front of us, we are "kiasu", we don wanna lose, we want everything. but we always neglect the fact that nohing is gained without lost. when we stretched our hand to grab whatsoever thing, unconsciously, we lost the right to grip something we had been holding on to. we lost another freedom.
i had spent time thinking through what i had been doing. indeed, i have learnt through the process, but i did not enjoy it. i once said to rainbow, i liked my life now, full of energy and filled up with works. well, i think i regretteed that. of course it's good to have things to work on but i didn realise myself being a slave. it's not filled, it's packed. it's not full of energy, it's full of lethargy.
yes, so i have learnt my lesson. better be safe than sorry. do what you like, not do for your own sake.

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This will be the start of a new blog, new lfie.

been wanting to have a private blog where only strangers will intrude into my life.

yes, it's contradicting. It's been a few years I had an external blog in blogspot.com. but it has been stagnant these few months. I am wondering whether it is time for me to just have a private sessions with strangers. rather than my friends. it seems that things could not be written in blog because of some friends, no matter it will offend them or relate to them.

I will be writing in English as well as in Chinese now, to improve my bilingual ability of course. But no matter wad, this will be a platform for me to express my feelings, to pen down my inner thoughts and to get to know to different cultures and people over here.

The funny thing is that I found this blog through Eddie Peng. I don really say he's my idol, but he's someone whom i admire in the celebrity world. He seems to have a charisma which can only be found in him. His smile, his eye interaction, his speech, his body language, all together fit perfectly to form an actor. I can see that he has a great potential in becoming an "ying di" in future i guess.

ok back to me. I dun wan to be cliche and starts describing myself as a normal girl in Singapore who love to blog and bla bla bla. yes, indeed, I am a girl. But i would like to be extraodinary, to have a unique demeanour and to possess different character. from young, i am always been independent. Left my hometown in Indonesia to study in China for 2 years when I was only 8 and flew to Singapore at the age of 10. and tada, here I am still in singapore, majoring Fashion marketing and management.

My dream is to become a singer cum designer cum dancer! well, basically I love anything related to art. Life would be too boring without art and it will still be lovely without anything but art. Because I believe Art is Life and Life is an Art.

yesh... this will be part of me. Will continue next time. Loads of works to do. ^_^ CIAO


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